Juices and smoothies are an awesome healthy meal substitute.  What I like is that a lot of smoothie shops have programs where points or discounts are given with each visit. Making a fresh juice at home or making a smoothie at home also has its benefits because you can make extra and save for later. Regardless if buying or making at home a juice or smoothie it all starts the same way.

The Base of a smoothie is the liquid in a smoothie. The base, the liquid can be coconut milk, almond milk, rice milk, coconut water or apple juice. Mixing bases is also an option for example mixing rice milk and almond milk. The base can consist of any liquid you want. The base can also be pineapple juice or watermelon juice. Individual decision on what the base is going to be.

Ingredients of the juice and smoothie are the vegetables and fruits. Celery is great for the skin. Apples, spinach and bananas are a good combo that I enjoy. One of my other favorites is kale, apple, bananas and celery. It is easy to go to google.com and see what are the benefits of a particular fruit and vegetable.

Add-Ins in the smoothie are the almond butter, chia seeds, honey, hemp seeds, whey protein power, pea powder.  Some grocery stores in the bulk foods section sell all types of add-ins for juices and smoothies. Fresh squeezed peanut butter, sea salt varieties, pecans, cashews and so on.

In conclusion, in a smoothie we have three things: the base, the ingredients and the add-ins. Listed below are some of my favorite add-in items for a juice or smoothie and the benefits of the add-in. 


Bee Pollen

  • Used in Rehab Centers. “Bee Pollen eradicates destroys completely, puts an end to addictions that is why Bee Pollen is given 3 times a day at some of the most expensive rehab centers”.
  • Bee Pollen is considered a “super food” because contains almost every single nutrient vital to human health including folic acid and B-complex vitamins, protein and amino acids.
  • Bee Pollen resurrects a body that is ravaged by health problems and infections of various types.
  • Young bees primarily use it as food. This is the main reason they develop and grow so fast in short time periods.
  • Bee Pollen is an energy boost, good for the skin, allergies and good for asthma.
  • Bee Pollen helps the immunity system because has antibiotic effect on the body and REJECTS any attacking virus or microbe. Antioxidants within it also do their job to protect the cells and maintain order in the organism.
  • Bee Pollen restores hormonal balance.
  • Bee Pollen has a cardiovascular health benefit also because rutin is an important antioxidant bioflavonoid that makes blood vessels stronger and improves blood circulation.
  • Bee Pollen also corrects existing health issues and helps you move on from them.
  • Bee Pollen removes excess cholesterol, destroys the smallest blood clots and blockages.
  • Bee Pollen helps with better prostate health.


Whey Protein Powder

  • Whey Protein powder contains an incredible range of essential amino acids, which are absorbed quickly.
  • Studies show Whey Protein powder can help you increase strength, gain muscle and loses significant amounts of body fat.
  • Whey Protein is good for age related muscle loss.
  • Whey Protein has been found to lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure because of bioactive peptides called lactokinins.
  • Whey Protein powder helps type 2 diabetes because increases levels of insulin and the sensitivity to its effects.
  • Whey protein helps reduce inflammation because of reduces blood levels of C reactive protein indicating it can help reduce inflammation.


Chia Seeds

  • Help skin complexion.
  • Beneficial for digestion and detox.
  • Helps prevent constipation.
  • Chia Seeds help support the body natural detoxification pathways, repair cells and reduce inflammation.
  • Chia Seeds help lower cholesterol.
  • Chia Seeds help reduce risk of diabetes because it slows the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar and of sugar to fat during digestion which helps to maintain steady blood sugar levels.
  • Chia Seeds are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and contain more Omega 3’s than salmon seafood gram for gram.
  • Chia Seeds are rich in antioxidants.
  • Chia seeds are high in protein and once ounce 28 grams offers 4.4 grams of protein which equals to 10 percent of required body intakes.
  • Chia Seeds contain plenty of vitamins and minerals such as niacin and thiamine, B vitamins which are important for turning food eat into energy and keeping the BRAIN and NERVOUS SYSTEM functioning properly.
  • Chia seeds come from the Salvia Hispanica plant part of the mint family and native to Mexico and Gautemala.
  • Chia Seeds are said to have been an important food to the Aztecs and Mayans.

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